
Order & Payment

How to order Jeanette products?
1. SMS to 081318466241 / Add pin 25F74C09
2. Pay for your products (melakukan pembayaran produk yang dibeli)
3. Confirm your payment via SMS/BBM (konfirmasi pembayaran via SMS/BBM)
4. Your order will be delivered via JNE (order akan langsung dikirim via JNE)

Payment via ATM
·         BNI 263 470 249 a/n Anggia Widhi Astrini
·         Mandiri 006 00 0695 8692 a/n Anggia Widhi Astrini
·         BCA 553 009 0096 a/n Purnamawati

Follow us on twitter @JeanetteID to get special discount, quizes, and special promo!

Get this simple knitted brooche, for only 20K. Available in many colors!


Get this exclusive and elegant flowery corsage to complete your hijab looks :)

Look beautiful and stylish with this chiffon cerutti two-tone shawl. choose your favorite color combination dears!
Looking for a bag? Then let's grab this cute bag dears... available in many colors.
This brokat black cropped jacket will rock your style!!!

Feel girly and elegant with this salem chiffon vest. The color makes you look fresh, and the ribbon detail makes you looks sweet :)